
Brand Buzz: Secrecy (Fox: American Idol & Simpsons)

"OK, promise me you won't tell anybody, but..."

The whole school knew the next day. Ah, secrets. What's odd is that nobody would care if I shouted my secret.

If you want to rise above the noise, just whisper.

Fox has made its biggest hit, American Idol, a vehicle for building buzz. During last nights episode, the contestants went to a sneak preview of The Simpsons Movie.

This hits good brand buzz on two levels. One, obviously, is the secrecy. Nobody knows much about the movie. Even the trailers are ambiguous.

The second is exclusivity. These American Idol participants are hometown heroes. What do you think they're going to tell their friends and family? "I saw The Simpsons Movie!" And all of their friends and family have been reached through word of mouth marketing, via the buzz created by Fox's exclusive screening.

Zero ad dollars spent on all of those hearty buzz builders. Brilliant.

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